Thursday, February 7, 2013


Hi loves! So for the superbowl, my fiancé made something pretty awesome – a bacon explosion! I mean come on, what could be better? We got the kick ass idea from, and made a few tweaks to it:

 2 pounds thick cut bacon
 2 pounds Italian sausage (we used ground beef instead)
 1 jar of your favorite barbeque sauce
1 jar of your favorite barbeque rub (Greg made his own rub)
*Not in their recipe, but we added American cheese.

Create a 5X5 bacon weave. How cool does this look?

Add some seasoning, and add meat
Press down to make one big patty, be sure to make it uniform thickness all around

The good stuff! 
Add 1 pound of cooked bacon, your BBQ sauce and some CHEESE

Carefully take your meat layer, and roll into a log shape. Try to keep it as tight as possible
Seal both ends by pinching it together so all the goodness stays inside!
Lastly, roll the meat the meat forward completely wrapping it in the bacon!
Make sure seam is facing downward

Season again

TA DAAAA it's beautiful!!
Cook at 225 degrees, internal temperature at 165 degrees
Cook for about 2.5 hours until cooked all the way through

All cut up. What could be better than this!?

Hope you guys enjoyed, thanks for reading! 

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