Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mini M&M Bite Sized Rainbow Fish Cupcakes

I am complete in love with these rainbow fishy cupcakes! Although I would love to take credit for these, I saw the recipe on this baking blog (click to read!) I made these for my company's bake sale to support BCRF and they all sold out! I would definitely make them again - for a kid's birthday or even a cocktail party - everyone loves them!

These little guys work with any cupcake recipe of your choice (store bought or homemade) We wanted to go the extra mile and make homemade funfetti cake! It's easier than you think - make a normal vanilla cupcake batter, and simply add rainbow sprinkles before baking. You could make chocolate, or any other flavor. The part that matters is the decorations!

As for the beautiful fish - you will need a few things to decorate:
  • Vanilla icing - split into a few different bowls and add desired food coloring. I seemed to have misplaced my red food coloring (tragic!) so we made green, blue and yellow fish. Again, you could buy icing or make your own.
  • Mini M&Ms. My fiance was wonderful enough to sit there and actually sort the mini M&Ms by color. The original recipe matches the icing to the M&Ms but we mixed it up a bit =) Check out the photos below!

 Greg sorting the M&Ms. What would I do without him?!

 The sorted minis in little martini glasses!

 Our vanilla batter sorted by color! The yellow was my favorite =)

 Melissa and Greg decorating!

 The finished little fish! We tried putting tails on them using the M&Ms, but it didn't stay too well. Still think they came out great!

 Our school of fish


The fish displayed at the bake sale!

The beautiful funfetti - so satisfying to make your own!

Hope you guys enjoyed this post! Any questions about how to make these, just comment below! 

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